Two weeks and 9K views of post on Mike Manos joining D&B as CTO

It was fun writing the post on Mike Manos joining D&B and thinking of a creative way to share the news and make a point on how great Mike is.

One of the things I remember well from our discussion is Mike saying I could talk about any particular piece of technology or equipment that they had used, but the thing that that is carefully guarded is how they integrate things. The integration is the IP. The decisions made on what is important, The trade offs made.

I made point by showing a Whack-a-mole image. One of my construction friends he recalls many times Mike using that analogy of what not to do on Microsoft projects. Do things right in the big picture.

In the post there are 85 likes and 9 comments.

The most traffic comes from the combination of Fiserv (440) and First data (120).h

Next is Microsoft with 109 views.

D&B had 60.

Then this is where it got interesting for the tech companies. Next was AWS with 43 views. Google 38. Oracle 34.

The views from the West Coast tech firms was a bit lower overall than I expected, but part of that is Mike is now an East Coast executive and most of the views were in Atlanta, NYC, DC, Boston. Seattle and SF Area are next. Then Chicago, Dallas, Denver.
