Three Choices for the future Smart Phone for Steve Ballmer

Steve Ballmer is famous for his statements against the iPhone. Here is his Youtube video.

Saw Steve yesterday morning and I was thinking what is his next smart phone?

Would Steve get one of the market dominating phones from Apple or Google? Those two choices are obviously no.

Then I thought the 3rd choice. What is his other option? Given the low price and abundance of inventory of Windows Phones Steve could have hundreds, thousands of Windows phones in his garage replacing it every year.  Every year, heck every month, week. Maybe more often and he would always have a new Windows Phone.

Windows 3.1 is still running. 24 years after it was released in 1992. Hey, 1992, that is when I joined Microsoft. :-) Do I still run Windows 3.1? No. I think I fire up Windows now maybe 2-4 times a year.  I run Mac OS. Which may seem like a sacreligious act given I spent 14 years at Microsoft. But, I spend 7 years at Apple. I have Google devices and Kindle. I have an Amazon Echo. Don't really care.  :-) Just things to play with.