What are you going to Differently on Monday? It's holiday, I am not going to work!

Hanging with some data center folks, they said there was a session at Uptime for closing asking the question, “What are you going to Differently on Monday?”  

It’s a holiday and I am not going to work!  What about you?  Take a break.  Spend time with your family and friends,  Don’t check e-mail.  Don’t think about Data Centers!


What Are You Going to Do Differently on Monday?

Pitt Turner, Uptime Institute Executive Director Emeritus (Moderator)

Sudhir Kalra, Executive Director in Enterprise Infrastructure, Morgan Stanley

Chris Crosby, CEO, Compass Datacenters

Fred Dickerman, Vice President, Data Center Operations, DataSpace

This keynote panel provides a platform for some of our most distinguished guests to share what they thought were the takeaways from the week's event. How might the information gleaned at Uptime Institute Symposium impact their companies and careers going forward?The idea, started by Pitt Turner at one of the first Symposia, was to ask, "What are you going to do differently on Monday?" This is a key session to reinforce new ideas and new thinking, and to make sure the event has an impact beyond the three days we share in Santa Clara.

General Session I