Veterans in the DC continue to grow, Uptime joins the efforts

People with military experience are all over the data center industry, but what hasn’t existed is a proactive effort to give veterans a clear path to work in the DC industry.

Veterans in the Data Center initiative has Lee Kirby to thank and the following companies who joined early.


The latest to join is Uptime Institute.


About Uptime Institute Veterans’ Initiative

The catalyst for the Uptime Institute Veterans’ Initiative was at the Uptime Institute Network meeting in spring of 2013.  Lee Kirby, who at the time was CEO and Founder of Salute Inc., presented what he was striving to accomplish for military veterans within the data center industry.  His unique approach to proving the value of veterans caught the attention of Uptime Institute and its Network Members and a subcommittee was developed to address the personnel shortage in the data center industry and how to better target and attract Veteran applicants. Founding members included representation from Compass Datacenters, Bayer, and General Electric, among others.

Beyond building the job forum within this website, the subcommittee is establishing a foundation of training for veterans whose military specialty did not include technical training and will assess and recommend human resource polices.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about the initiative please contact us:
+1 206 706-4149