Work Life Balance, BS make your Health #1

Work Life balance is standard HR language to minimize the litigation exposure.  Here is an article that says the USA’s life work balance is amongst the lowest.

To many tired American workers, this won't come as a surprise. The United States has a pretty abysmal ranking on the list of developed countries for creating a balance between work and life away from work.

Americans work longer hours, have fewer vacation days and leisure hours, and spend as much or more time cooking, cleaning and caring for family as their international counterparts.

This is according to the 2013 Better Life Index, compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, a nongovernmental organization in France that tracks economic and social data from its economically developed member countries.

Here are two dlibert cartoons that poke fun at the concept.



Just went to a funeral service for a friend who had a sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 47.  She didn’t make her health #1, and most likely increased the risk of her cardiac arrest.

If any of my data center friends look like they are losing the health vs. work battle, I try to persuade them that making your health #1 is best for you overall.  

(Note: I tried to embed the Dilbert Cartoons, but the html code didn’t work.