If I was going to give a University lecture on Data Centers I would …

I have a friend who is Dean of Business and Economics school and he asked if I would participate in a graduate class by giving a lecture on data centers.  I said sure I'll do it.  What would I present?  

Here are some ideas I have that are good to write and see how they sit in my mind.

1)  I would explain how data centers align with the business models of companies and go through specifics of how data centers look at Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple.

2)  How many servers people have is the wrong way to look at data centers.  What is more useful is knowing the # of processor cores are in the data center.

3)  Operations of data center is a good topic touch upon that relates to the business models.  Maybe this could be discussing the economics of data centers.

If I stuck to Business Models, Technology, and Operation Economics that would seem like three categories to cover that would be good.

I'll see what the Dean thinks of presenting data centers in this way.