I meant to post this, but forgot to send it back in April. Oh well, I need to put this up so I can make a point with my next post. :-)
It's been interesting watching the news on the new Facebook Iowa Data Center. It was big news for many, but I knew about the Facebook Midwest Data Center back in January.
It's been so long ago, I can't even remember how I found out about the new Facebook data center. I didn't share my discovery beyond a close group of data center friends where we discussed why would Facebook build a huge data center in the midwest given their large presence in Prineville and Forest City? My friends couldn't come up with a good answer.
The one idea I threw out is Facebook is going for an Active-Active strategy. Prineville to Iowa. Forest City to Iowa. If Prineville goes down, fail over to Iowa. Same for Forest City. There is complete data redundancy between the East and West Coast to the midwest data center.
Now that Facebook Iowa Data center is public.
A New Data Center for Iowa
April 22, 2013
By Jay Parikh
Today we’re thrilled to announce that Altoona, Iowa, will be the home for Facebook’s newest data center.
There are more of us who can chat about what Facebook will put in its midwest data center and how it will interact with its other sites.