Here is a Ted Video on what we don't understand about trust.
This video is a good one to think about whether you manage your trust, and trust in your systems.
The three factors in trust discussed in this video is competent, honest, and reliable.
Onona asks it a different set of questions.
The part that resonates with so many problems in companies is this one.
Across the last few decades, we've tried to construct systems of accountability for all sorts of institutions and professionals and officials and so on that will make it easier for us to judge their trustworthiness. A lot of these systems have the converse effect. They don't work as they're supposed to. I remember I was talking with a midwife who said, "Well, you see, the problem is it takes longer to do the paperwork than to deliver the baby." And all over our public life, our institutional life, we find that problem, that the system of accountability that is meant to secure trustworthiness and evidence of trustworthiness is actually doing the opposite. It is distracting people who have to do difficult tasks, like midwives, from doing them by requiring them to tick the boxes, as we say. You can all give your own examples there.