Web 2.0 vs. Enterprise, know your users and their religious orientation

It is interesting how fiefdoms develop in IT.  One of the latest divisions that occur is the enterprise IT group vs. the Web 2.0 online services group.  I've laughed many times watching data center executives walk into Web 2.0 companies and pitch their wares. 

One mistake made most often is using the same presentation they use for a corporate enterprise IT department as the Web 2.0  department.  See this for a web 2.0 department definition.  Think Twitter, Facebook, Zynga

The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumers) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.

For enterprise software, think of something you would sell to a government IT department on a department that has mainframes.

Why is this important because Web 2.0 people look down at the enterprise IT as people who are in the past, and they are better.  Telling a Web 2.0 department of your enterprise sales doesn't impress them, it can handicap you as a product not appropriate for Web 2.0.

Don't expect this to logical, it is kind of religious.