Data Centers As Cathedrals, building big

In three more days, I am going to Italy and taking a two week break from blogging.  Spending a bunch of time in airports, trains, I was looking for a book to dig into.  One book I found that would help get me thinking in another perspective is The Pillars of Earth.

Ken Follett wrote about something that is not considered exciting.

Even before his breakthrough novel, Ken was toying with the idea of an adventure tale surrounding one of his personal obsessions—cathedrals. "I gave it up because, instinctively, I felt like I couldn't do it. It was too ambitious," Ken says.

Still, Ken couldn't shake the idea. "It just kept building up, and when I told writer friends about it they said, 'What a great idea,'" Ken says. "Publishers weren't so keen. They said, 'Ken, you've had a lot of success with Nazis and secret agents and spies. And now this is a book…it's set in the Middle Ages, right Ken? And it's about building a church. Are you sure?'"

And Ken tried to change the way people think about cathedrals.

Oprah says this book will stay with anyone who reads it. "Nobody who reads it ever looks at a church or a cathedral the same," she says. "It made me think about my own life differently. … What a treasure you have given all of us."

Data Centers were bore and dull for the religion of IT.  Built based on the financial sponsors from corporate.

But, now data centers are Pillars of Information for the Earth and major corporations - Google and Facebook could not exist without data centers.

Cathedrals went through major transformations as building technology changed.  Data Centers are ready for major transformation as well.