A more enlightened approach to change

To Green the Data Center with lasting sustainable value requires change.  Measuring PUE adds a metric.  Meeting a LEED certification creates a requirement.  Small changes are made to accommodate these needs.  But, many times there is not a fundamental change.

Why change?  Because, if you don't change you do the same things you have done in the past.  Many learn to change labels of what they do, picking up new acronyms and buzz words, but don't fundamentally change.

So, if you are going to change you can take the approach of pick your number, define a timeline, make a plan, get a budget, execute, promote how you were successful, but ultimately fail in making a lasting change that feels good.

Why?  Because you weren't open to ask the tough questions.  You went for the easy answers.  A lower PUE and a LEED certification.

Twitter's Kevin Weil put it well.


If you want to change, think about how to ask the right questions.

I think most people are changing to conform to accepted changes.  It's safe.  Which brings up an issue of whether conforming to norms is consider change?

If you want to change to be more competitive you most likely want to innovate.

Are you changing to innovate or changing to conform?