AFCOM says CxO’s See the Costs and Greenhouse Gases from Data Centers

GreenerComputing reports on an AFCOM survey. But, what caught my eye was the paragraph at the end.

"They're saying the data center is important," she explained. "[It also means] the CEO now has to take accountability for what's going on in the data center to be compliant, and to go green."

What that means is that the c-suite is finally realizing that although the data center is critical to operations, it is also a major element of costs and greenhouse gas emissions. All of which points toward more efficient and greener data center technologies, notably virtualization and cloud computing.

Another interesting one is 50/50 split in budget changes.

"The interesting thing is that for the first time in history I see corporate America looking at data centers and recognizing that they can't do day-to-day business without them," Eckhaus said. The survey found that just under half of all data center managers have been asked to cut their budgets for 2009, while the remaining 50-plus percent have not -- in a time when all companies are feeling serious economic stresses, that is a remarkable number, Eckhaus said.

The interest in Green Data Centers keep on growing. :-)