Vendor information for NSA Utah Data Center

Salt Lake Tribune has an article on NSA’s data center in Utah.

The secretive NSA went public earlier this month with its plan to build the data center, which could consume as much power as every home in Salt Lake City. Its task: Processing information collected in an effort to prevent attacks on the nation's cyber networks.

Sens. Bob Bennett and Orrin Hatch, both Utah Republicans, hailed the center as key to protecting the nation's digital infrastructure.

The Utah Data Center Industry days has passed.


But, you can find the information here if you didn’t make it to Industry day.

On November 17, 2009, the Rocky Mountain Region, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration (GSA) will host an FBI Industry Day in Salt Lake City, Utah. The purpose of the Industry Day is twofold: First, it is intended to educate industry partners (i.e., private sector developers, contractors, architects, etc.) on new FBI program and construction requirements. Attendees will gain an understanding the GSA two-phase Source Selection bid process and how the FBI requirements should be met during the offer period. Second, it is GSA's further intention that a minimum of 60% of contract labor for the project must be Utah-based. The meeting will provide an open forum for developers and potential contractors to exchange information and form partnerships.

Pre-registration is not required. However, due to space limitations a maximum of three members from each firm may attend.  It is not a requirement to attend the Industry Day to participate in future project phases.  Registration on this Federal Business Oppotunities website ( is necessary to take advantage of networking opportunities.

Distribution of marketing materials is permitted among developers and potential vendors. Neither GSA nor FBI will accept any marketing materials, business cards, etc., from any source.

The Industry Day event will be held on November 17, 2009, in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Marriott City Center located at 220 South State Street. The event will run from 8:00 to 11:00 AM, Mountain Time.

For further information please contact:

Shelley Smith
Contracting Officer
Mountain Plains Service Center
303-236-8000 X5302

Added: Nov 09, 2009 3:43 pm

The planned Industry Day is in direct support of the proposed construction of an FBI facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.  The information disseminated at the meeting will be a combination of general (i.e., applies to all current and future FBI projects) and very basic information related directly to the the Salt Lake City project. 
[Please note: As a matter of agency mission-related security, technical specifics will not be addressed during this meeting. Only development team offerors prequalified on the basis of the Phase I SFO will be given access to the technical information, detailed in the Phase II SFO.]
Appropriate meeting notes will be posted as an amendment to this notice after November 17.
It is not necessary to attend the Industry Day in order to receive the Phase I SFO for development team prequalification.  The Government's preferred method of distribution for the request for offers and the Phase I SFO, along with all necessary forms, will be a post to this Federal Business Opportunities website later this month.  Therefore, you must be registered on FedBizOps to receive an electronic notification and attached SFO.  Paper copies will also be made available.
For informational purposes an advance copy of the flyer to be distributed by the Government during the Industry Day is posted as an attachment to this notice.
Given the limited availability of space in the Marriott City Center a second session may be added at the discretion of the Government.  The first session will begin promptly at 8:00 AM.  If a second session presenting the same information is required it will commence promptly at 9:30 AM.

Added: Nov 24, 2009 5:51 pm


Please consult the list of document viewers if you cannot open a file.

Industry Day Flyer


Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..)

Posted Date:

November 9, 2009

Salt Lake City Publication.pdf (256.80 Kb)

Description: Industry Day Flyer

Slide presentations, bidder's lists, Q&A


Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..)

Posted Date:

November 23, 2009

Industry Day Presentation 8x11.pdf (7,015.80 Kb)

Description: Industry Day slide presentation

Industryday Sign In sheet.pdf (1,173.58 Kb)

Description: Industry Day attendee list

Industry Day Q.doc (25.50 Kb)

Description: Industry Day Q&A

Contracting Office Address:

Denver Federal Center, Building 41, Room 272
Denver, Colorado 80225

Place of Performance:

220 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:

Shelley Smith,

Contracting Officer

Phone: 303.236.8000 x5302

Fax: 303.236.1774

If you didn’t make it you can see who did attend here.