Green Rating for Colleges, 11 Get Perfect Score (99)

Just last week I blogged about Universities being Greener than Corporations. And, this week Princeton review has a press release on its new Green College Rating.

The Princeton Review developed the Green Rating in consultation with ecoAmerica, a non-profit environmental marketing agency.  The criteria for the rating (which ecoAmerica helped formulate along with the rating's data collection survey and methodology) cover three broad areas: whether the school’s students have a campus quality of life that is healthy and sustainable, how well the school is preparing its students for employment and citizenship in a world defined by environmental challenges, and the school's overall commitment to environmental issues.   The institutional survey for the rating included questions on energy use, recycling, food, buildings, transportation, academic offerings (availability of environmental studies degrees and courses) and action plans and goals concerning greenhouse gas emission reductions.

11 Colleges scored a perfect 99.

Harvard’s Green Program is interesting for creating a Green Loan Fund.

Harvard College (Cambridge, MA)

Harvard College

Harvard has the largest green campus organization in the world consisting of 24 full-time professional staff and 32 part-time student employees all working to assist the Harvard community in greening all areas of its campus.

Harvard has committed to a 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (below 2006 levels) by 2016.

It has established a $12 million revolving green campus loan fund to provide interest free loans to anyone at Harvard that has a green campus project with a payback of 10 years or less.
Since it’s inception in 2001, over $12 million has been lent out to fund 180 projects (lighting, HVAC, heating, cooling and ventilation, behavioral change, insulation, onsite renewable energy etc.).

Atlanta, GA has two colleges

Emory University (Atlanta, GA)

Emory University

As part of Emory's Strategic Plan and its commitment to positive transformation in the world, sustainability was identified as a top priority of the university. Emory's vision is to develop a model for healthy living on campus that can translate to communities around the globe.

Sustainability initiatives at Emory include: building "green" with all new buildings constructed to LEED standards (with an emphasis on energy and water conservation), integrating sustainability into the curriculum (including the longest-running faculty development programs in sustainability in the country), promoting alternative transportation with a shuttle fleet that is 100% alternatively fueled; recycling Emory's waste stream (65% by 2015), and providing local and sustainably-grown food.

Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)

Georgia Tech

Located in the heart of Atlanta, the Georgia Institute of Technology is leading the charge in the green policy, practice, and academic arena as evidenced by:
• 21 endowed chairs and 23 research centers that include significant sustainability components
• A goal that every student takes at least one of more than the 100 courses with a sustainability emphasis
• Institutional environmental sustainability programs that embrace green cleaning, solid waste recycling, drought-tolerant vegetation, and storm water capture and reuse
• A Sustainable Food Project encouraging environmentally responsible dining habits and the implementation of a “green” portal providing a central resource to inform, showcase, promote green behaviors, activities, initiatives and events within the Georgia Tech community.

If you are selling Green Data Center solutions you may want to consider partnering with one of these colleges.