IBM's Green Sigma

IBM put together the idea of Green and Six Sigma as reports.

IBM launches 'Green Sigma' business consulting

Big Blue has devised a consulting service to profit from corporate initiatives to "go green."

IBM on Monday detailed its "Green Sigma" consulting practice for reducing energy and water usage at businesses by using networked sensors and data analysis software.

A shot of IBM's carbon dashboard for tracking energy usage at businesses.

(Credit: IBM)

It's based on the Lean Six Sigma management strategy that was originally designed to focus on operational efficiency and customer requirements.

The idea with Green Sigma is to do an accounting of a company's water and energy usage, both at its own facilities and also its supply chain partners. IBM is piloting the method at two of its own facilities and at two of its customers'.

This is an idea I've actually used to explain how going green is a commitment like six sigma.   Also it is good to see IBM is including water in its resource management.