Lake Mead, Largest Man Made Reservoir has 50-50 Chance of Being Dry 2021

A Green Data Center is a sustainable data center, and companies have focused on carbon emissions and renewable energy, but water is often overlooked in the green strategy.  MSNBC reports on Lake Mead's 50-50 chance of being dry by 2021.

If you've been thinking of locating a data center in the Southwest due to Solar Energy, you should also plan on how to run your cooling systems without water.

What are the chances that Lake Mead, a key source of water for more than 22 million people in the Southwest, would ever go dry? A new study says it's 50 percent by 2021 if warming continues and water use is not curtailed.

"We were stunned at the magnitude of the problem and how fast it was coming at us," co-author Tim Barnett of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography said in a statement. "Make no mistake, this water problem is not a scientific abstraction, but rather one that will impact each and every one of us that live in the Southwest."

"It's likely to mean real changes to how we live and do business in this region," added co-author David Pierce, a Scripps climate scientist.

And, hydroelectric power from Hoover Dam is also an issue. Here is the distribution of Hoover Dam's power

The Bureau of Reclamation reports that the energy generated is allocated as follows:[17]

Area Percentage

Arizona 18.9527%

Nevada 23.3706%

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 28.5393%

Burbank, CA 0.5876%

Glendale, CA 1.5874%

Pasadena, CA 1.3629%

Los Angeles, CA 15.4229%

Southern California Edison Co. 5.5377%

Azusa, CA 0.1104%

Anaheim, CA 1.1487%

Banning, CA 0.0442%

Colton, CA 0.0884%

Riverside, CA 0.8615%

Vernon, CA 0.6185%

Boulder City, NV 1.7672%