Google’s PUE Coverage

It has been interesting watching Google’s PUE and data center claims spread through blogs and news.

I haven’t blogged about Google’s post, even when I saw it on other blog sites.

Why? Because, I knew Google was going to write a PUE post, and by the time they finally did, I was disappointed it didn’t provide more facts.  Nothing really new, other than Google claims being the most efficient.

As ComputerWorld mentions, the release of the PUE #’s coinciding with another marketing event.

This announcement coincides with a speech about energy that CEO Eric Schmidt gave Wednesday evening in San Francisco, in which he proposed a $4.4 trillion clean-energy plan.

It is great that Google has helped to educate thousands of people on PUE and how much energy can be saved.

There are some details, but not enough to help on equipment selection.

I plan on writing more on this and contrasting what others have shared on PUE best practices.