The following is article I wrote for Technet to kick off the Green Data Center ideas in their magazine. Results so far show it is the most popular article in the issue, and has higher than normal customer feedback and a very good rating.
My next article in the works is about one of Microsoft's Data Center and how they have built a greener data center.
Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept is having an impact on the way people think about datacenters. Companies around the world are announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little guidance on how you can take action to control energy costs.
In our cover story for the October issue of TechNet Magazine, Build a Green Datacenter, Dave Ohara explains some of the issues you should consider when planning for more efficient computing resources. Dave looks at ways to measure energy consumption, defining the requirements for a green datacenter, and where to look for more information and support as you get the planning process underway.