ARM pushes Performance per Watt, Announces 2Ghz Multicore Designs has a post on ARM’s new processor announcement.

ARM eyes Intel turf with 2GHz multicore designs

by Rupert Goodwins

Cambridge, England-based chip company ARM on Wednesday announced the development of dual-core, quad-core, and eight-core Cortex A9 processor designs, explicitly aimed at markets currently served by Intel's x86 chips and IBM's PowerPC.

"This is a huge departure from what we've done in the past", Eric Schorn, vice president of marketing for ARM's processor division, told ZDNet UK. "We really wanted to take off the handcuffs and see what could be done with performance, performance, performance."

The new designs, available in two variants optimized for low power consumption or high performance, are intended for use by companies building their own chips. ARM claims that the new processors, which can run at up to 2GHz, are up to eight times more efficient than Intel's low-power chips in terms of performance per watt, with the high-performance part running at five times the throughput of Intel's Atom chip for similar power levels.

The low-power part delivers twice the performance at a quarter the power, according to the company's published benchmarks.

A technical demonstration of an ARM server is running here.

This website runs on experimental ARM based servers based around the Marvell MV78100 SoC.

Each server blade has:

  • a single MV78100
  • 1 x 2.5inch 7400rpm SATA HDD
  • 1.5GBytes of DDR 2 RAM
7 of the these server blades are mounted into a custom built single rack with one 240VAC to 12VDC PSU to power all seven blades.

There is no forced cooling in the system.

The site runs an nginx web proxy / load balancer and apache, with mod_perl.

The OS is the ARM port of Debian Lenny.

The board is monitored by an ARM mbed prototype energy monitoring and control board. The counter in the footer of the site makes a crude estimate of the energy consumed while rendering each page.

Rack of ARM based servers

If you wonder if any of the data center folks are paying attention, here is Amazon’s James Hamilton post.

The ARM is a clear win on work done per dollar and work done per joule for some workloads. If a 4-core, cache coherent version was available with a reasonable memory controller, we would have a very nice server processor with record breaking power consumption numbers.

I got a call from ARM soon after posting saying that I may get my wish sooner than I was guessing. Very cool. The Design that was announced earlier today includes a 2-core, performance optimized design that could form the building block of a very nice server. In the following block diagram, ARM shows a pair of 2-core macros implementing a 4-way SMP:

The ARM reported performance results:

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Little and Large, Extremes of Nehalem-EX vs. Via Nano, the Struggle for Power Efficiency

Just posted this blog entry with Adam Bogobowicz.

Little and Large

When you hear the phrase “green IT”, you know that the word virtualization will usually appear shortly afterwards. Virtualization provides the ability to consolidate your IT infrastructure from several physical computers (each of which has a basic power overhead) onto virtual computers running on significantly fewer host computers. The increase in power consumption for each virtual computer you run on the host is considerably less than the power overhead for each replaced physical computer. this point, you can usually hear the sounds of hardware manufacturers rubbing their hands with glee. This enthusiasm results from the prevalent association that virtualization (and especially consolidation) requires multi-core processing capacity with associated power consumption rates. A good example of this type of hardware would be the recently announced Nehalem-EX processor from Intel. Everything is larger and more numerous on this chip when compared to the previous generation:

  • 8 cores
  • 9 times the memory bandwidth
  • 16 simultaneous threads
  • 24MB of cache
  • 2,300,000,000 transistors

If consolidation is the route you want to take and you have multiple physical computers to consolidate, then this processor would certainly be a good choice. But what if you see virtualization as an aid to manageability rather than consolidation and you want to conserve power?

O Fortuna

clip_image002[5]At the opposite end of the spectrum from Nehalem-EX systems is the diminutive Dell XS11-VX8, better known by its codename of “Fortuna.” If you are having trouble with the scale of this devices, that silvery part with the white label on the back of the server is the 3.5” hard disk. Yet this pocket-sized computer is no toy, but a true, enterprise-ready, 64-bit, hardware virtualization enabled, self-contained server with dual NICs and 2GB RAM that supports IPMI and iSCSI. The processor is the Via Nano, one of the most economical processors on the market with full hardware virtualization support for Hyper-V.

The post is a bit longer at

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SEO, #1 XS11-VX8, #2 xs11-vx8

It’s two weeks since news started on Dell’s Via Nano Based server, and I made to #1 and #2.

The funny part is to be #1 google search “XS11-VX8”


Google Search “xs11-vx8” lower case, I am #2.


The difference between these two is “XS11-VX8” has 40,700 results, “xs11-vx8” has 30,500 search results.

Interesting how upper case and lower case has a difference.  Any way I am #1 and #2.

To see my blog entries on the XS11-VX8 go here.

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XS11-VX8 Google Search, greenm3 back to #2

I’ve written 3 blog entries on the XS11-VX8.




I was disappointed when at first I went from #2 to #40, but figured oh well, the rest of the news/blogger community started putting “xs11-vx8” in their titles, so they got the traffic.

But, a few days later I am back to #2 right behind the Dell Blog.  I couldn’t exactly say why Google Search likes me, but it is pretty cool to be #2 out 11,000 search results.



There are now 11,000 results for a search on “xs11-vx8” in less than a week, and buzz that rivals Intel Xeon servers.

Dell and Via have got to be jumping for joy, slapping high five.

"A one-size fits all approach simply does not work for hyper-scale computing customers. The unique architecture of environments like Web hosting render unnecessary many of the system features required by mainstream IT.  By working with VIA to design a high density, lower power system, Dell is designing for these customer's specific needs, driving down costs and improving efficiency." -Forrest Norrod, vice president and general manager of Dell's Data Center Solutions division.

The XS11-VX8 server addresses the need in hyperscale environments like Web hosting, Web farms and light load infrastructures for a high density, low power and 'Ultra-Light' server product. In these applications general-purpose servers are under-utilized and inefficient, requiring expensive cooling infrastructures and using more energy than the applications require.

The VIA Nano-powered XS11-VX8 is the densest server on the market with 12 systems housed in a 2U chassis. Promising up to 34% lower TCO compared to the use of white box client systems, the XS11-VX8 is designed for single server workloads where overall power consumption needs to be less than 30 watts per system.


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Dell’s XS11-VX8, Shows Momentum for Little Green Server

I was all excited I was #2 for Google search “xs11-vx8”, but that was 2 days ago.

My blog works well for google search on “XS11-VX8”.  Giving me #2 in search results, and I only posted my blog entry yesterday even though news has been going on for the past 3 days

But, 2 days later, I am down to position #40 as more people have put XS11-VX8 is their content.

There are 174 news entries showing up in including Chinese and Japanese trade rags, and many other foreign languages.

I know people laughed when I discuss the idea of Little Green Servers, but i am laughing now.  And, reminded me of my Small is Beautiful post


VIA Nano處理器進軍伺服器領域 Dell推出XS11-VX8超輕薄伺服器

電腦領域 - ‎13 hours ago‎

VIA 20 日宣佈Dell 將會選用VIA Nano 處理器於全新輕薄伺服器XS11-VX8 ,這是一款專門針對雲端計算(hyper-scale) 的資料運算環境所設計的超輕薄伺服器,透過威盛凌 ...

Dell低階伺服器採威盛Nano晶片 ZDNet Taiwan

威盛凌瓏處理器 打入戴爾供應鏈 聯合新聞網

戴爾宣布推出採威盛Nano處理器的超薄型伺服器 DJ財經智識庫

iThome Online

all 14 news articles »



腾讯网 - ‎10 hours ago‎

由于采用了威盛Nano处理器,充分发挥了其高性能低功耗的特性,专门针对超大规模的数据中心环境而设计戴尔XS11-VX8数据中心解决方案, 在体积上是一款超轻型服务器。 ...

威盛中国芯发力云计算 腾讯网

all 10 news articles »

Muy Computer

Dell integrará procesadores VIA Nano sus equipos XS11-VX8

MadBoxPC - ‎May 18, 2009‎

La configuración de los Dell XS11-VX8, que comenzarán su distribución a nivel global en junio, tendrá un costo de US$400 aproximadamente e incorporaran un ...

Dell introduce procesadores Via Nano en sus servidores eWEEK

Dell lanzará servidores Via la próxima semana TechSpot

Servidores Dell con micros Nano Muy Computer

all 4 news articles »

Dell equipa XS11-VX8 com Via Nano

Baguete (liberação de imprensa) - ‎May 19, 2009‎

Ao ser equipado com o Via Nano, o XS11-VX8 passa a oferecer 12 sistemas alocados em uma única parte 2U e 12 drives no chassis. A ferramenta promete TCO 34% ...

eWEEK europe

Dell stellt Miniserver mit Netbook-Prozessor Via Nano vor - ‎May 20, 2009‎

Der XS11-VX8 bringt bis zu zwölf Server in einem 2-HE-Gehäuse unter. Das von Dell als "Ultra-Light-Server" bezeichnete System basiert auf Vias ...

Dell bringt Mini-Server mit Netbook-Prozessor VIA Nano PC-Welt

Dell stellt Mini-Server mit Netbook-Prozessor VIA Nano vor Pressrelations (Pressemitteilung)

Mini-Server mit Netbook-Prozessoren IT-Administrator

eWEEK europe

all 11 news articles »



和讯网 - ‎May 17, 2009‎

据PCMag网站报道,戴尔下周将发布新款服务器电脑XS11-VX8(Fortuna平台),该服务器的最大特点便是采用了低功耗威盛Nano(玲珑)处理器。据悉,戴尔Fortuna平台服务器 ...

戴尔新服务器产品采用威盛Nano芯片 电脑之家

all 121 news articles »


Dell, sunucu sistemlerinde VIA Nano işlemcileri benimseyecek.

Hardwaremania - ‎May 20, 2009‎

Dell XS11-VX8, toplam güç tüketimi sistem başına 30W sınırını geçmeyen tek sunuculu yapıya sahip web hosting, farming ya da düşük yüklü altyapı ağları gibi ...

Processori Via Nano per i sever Dell - ‎May 19, 2009‎

Nell'offerta server di Dell ha fatto la sua comparsa una nuova soluzione denominata XS11-VX8caratterizzata dall'impiego di processori Via Nano. ...

Cpu VIA Nano nei data center BitCity

Dell porta VIA Nano sui server Punto Informatico

Dell adotta il processore Nano di Via nei suoi server eWEEKeurope - Hardware

all 7 news articles »

Dell готовит серверы с процессорами VIA Nano

RosInvest.Com - ‎May 20, 2009‎

Серверы Dell XS11-VX8 предназначены для тех областей, где важным критерием является экономичность, жесткие требования к охлаждению и компактность. ...


硬派网 - ‎13 hours ago‎

近日戴尔宣布将推出基于Nano处理器的服务器,将其命名为XS11 - VX8 ,专门为高密度的网络服务器应用程序而提供。紧凑的外形,加上其高能源效率的芯片组,64位的Nano ...

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