Structure Conference SF, Nov 14-15 2017 Is coming back to SF and so many of my ex-GigaOm friends are there and some of top data center executives

On the 2nd day is the following line up. 

9:30A Global Infrastructure for 2 Billion People

What can we say? Who in their right mind does not want to talk to the person in charge of the Facebooks infrastructure? When you have to deliver services to 2 Billion people and plan ahead for things like VR services and IoT, your job is to push vendor infrastructure to the edge of it’s envelope and when that does not go further you create your own solutions. Unique problems to Facebook? Not forever… one day these cutting edge problems unique to Facebook will be the problems of F500 companies as they catch up. So take notes. A regular contributor to the Structure community, this year Jay will talk about Facebook’s approach to connectivity and in-house designed data centers including some specifics on next-generation networking systems. Not to be missed. Speaker:
Jay Parikh
Head of Engineering and Infrastructure, FacebookModerated By:
Stacey Higginbotham, Editor, SKT Labs

9:50Google: In Search of The Perfect Infrastructure

Urs is in charge of one of the most spectacular and innovative cloud infrastructures on this planet. Urs has the reins on Google’s infrastructure and is deciding where it will go next. A company that through sheer need and brilliance of it’s team has defined and redefined cloud technologies as a competitive advantage since it’s first major funding round. There is much to be learned from Urs and in this fireside chat we look at how the past year is redefining Google’s infrastructure strategy for the coming years. Speaker:
Urs Hölzle
Senior VP, Technical Infrastructure & Google Fellow, GoogleModerated By:
Tom Krazit, Cloud Computing Editor, GeekWire

10:10Future Cloud Architectures: Microservices, Containers, Edge and "Lambda"

Adrian has worn many hats in his career. The most prominent was as CTO of Netflix, where it can be argued that he architected the 1st enterprise grade public cloud deployment that set the pattern and standard for future deployments. Now as the architect at the platform (AWS) on which Netflix’s infrastructure success was built, we sit him down to talk about how new trends in microservices, containers, edge computing and serverless “lambda” compute will affect enterprise deployments. Hear insights from his thinking and use them to shape your near term strategy. Speaker:
Adrian Cockcroft
VP of Cloud Architecture, Amazon Web ServicesModerated By:
Stacey Higginbotham, Editor, SKT Labs


If you read down this far, I have some discount passes for friends. Friends who have my e-mail can contact me and I’ll send a discount code to register. 

A good idea works small and big, Chris Crosby’s Network Mesh Slide

In Chris Crosby’s presentation at Fall 7x24 Exchange conference Chris had a hidden point that was powerful but not explained to the audience.  Here is what I posted about Chris’s talk

The slide that I didn’t mention is below. 


Chris uses this to discuss clusters and network in the building.  If you focus on the first two points you can expand the idea to networking beyond buildings.


Chris was telling people how they can apply networking ideas to an individual building and to all buildings that are in the network mesh, including colo, CDN/POP. All these physical buildings participate in the network mesh and designing for network mesh in a building applies to the colocation and POP locations as well, but few unify the efforts thinking of the physical and logical components of physical infrastructure that support the network mesh.

Testing how fast I can post

I wrote about being able to use the iPad, IPhone and IOS 11 to blog

Curious what I could do at home with my home wifi which comprises 7 wi-fi access points so there is no dead zones including outside in front of the house, the back of house, down to my office, and down to beach house.

The picture went from my iPhone to my iPad as soon I sat down on iPad. Took the picture and posted below. Then cropped in close to show the rowers going by.



Updating blogging tools with iOS 11

Last month I wrote about iOS 11 being a desktop OS 

A test for me was could I use my iPad Pro for blogging at 7x24 Exchange this last week. It worked. 

So what did I used to do? I used to use a Canon SLR 6D or 7D. Transfer images to my laptop with an SD Card. Import the images, then crop and paste.  Well I used to paste when I used MarsEdit, but when Squarespace updated to version 6, MarsEdit no longer worked and you needed to use the online authoring tools in HTML or iOS tools. I was comfortable with my Mac and MarsEdit. Before that I used Windows and Windows Live Writer. Working on dedicated editor has a better feeling for writing.

What did I try this last week? iOS 11 on iPad Pro and iPhone 7 Plus using Squarespace blog tool. I could have Squarespace blog up and Apple Notes for taking notes side by side. Take pictures with my iPhone, syncing to Photos in iCloud with wifi connection and within seconds the photos would be on my iPad. As much as it may seem like it takes a while so much faster than using an SLR. Using the iPad as a camera is just too awkward. For the slides I could go to the 7x24 Exchange app and screen grab the presentation, then crop it to get just part I wanted. And here is the main part I could save the cropped image to file. I needed images to be saved to a file on iOS to make it easy to upload the image in Squarespace blog.

It all worked well enough to use my iPhone and iPad. Next is the iPhone X. My iPad Pro is working well and maybe the 2018 version is what I upgrade to next. 

Tim O’Reilly bans Robert Scoble from his events for sexual harassment

Going to technical conferences is what we all do. What a few do that doesn’t belong at conferences is sexual harassment. 

ArsTechnica has a detailed article on Robert Scoble and his sexual harassment history

Below is the tweet thread of Tim O’Reilly banning Scoble from future events.


Scoble sat on the same floor I was on in a Microsoft building and I didn’t like him then, and now I would avoid him with all effort. 

CNN has an article for men on what they can do in response to the #MeToo movement.